Looking for Promotional Graphical Ads Video for Our Company ( 3-5 Minute )
Project detail
We are looking for a professional who can help us with end to end cycle for creating a promotional graphical video of a web-based IoT software/tool including Video Transcript, animation (Character, Symbols, Vector, Text), Stock footage, remote screengrabs/recordings of the software. Please let us know the budget it requires to do it.. all-inclusive
We would also be able to provide the link to similar products and some sample transcripts which can be used as a base to create a distinct script.
Link : https://youtu.be/MmRkXu8dvbY
Share your Quotation of commercial promo and presentation video ads for a business.
Skills Required
Industry Categories
Languages required
Freelancer type required for this project
Project Completion deadline
31 July 2020